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Genre Shooter Fighting
Publisher Teeworlds Team
Release 2007-05-27
Platform Windows

Teeworlds is a fast-paced 2D multiplayer shooter game that combines elements of platforming and strategy. The game takes place in a colorful, cartoonish world filled with wacky characters known as "Teeworms." Players can customize their Teeworms with a variety of hats and other accessories, making them stand out from other players. The gameplay of Teeworlds is based around a simple but effective grappling hook mechanic that allows players to swing around the environment, dodge enemy attacks, and maneuver around obstacles. Players must use a combination of quick reflexes and strategic planning to outwit their opponents and emerge victorious. The game features a variety of game modes, including Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and Race, each with their own unique gameplay mechanics and objectives. Players can also create and share custom maps using the game's built-in map editor, allowing for endless replayability and creativity. Teeworlds' graphics are simple but charming, with bright colors and whimsical character designs that give the game a lighthearted, fun feel. The game's soundtrack is similarly upbeat, with catchy chiptune music that adds to the game's overall sense of playfulness. Teeworlds is a fun and addictive multiplayer shooter game that offers a unique take on the genre with its grappling hook mechanics and quirky Teeworm characters.

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Minimum System Requirements
OS Windows XP
Graphics Any Graphics card
Processor 1.4GHz
Memory 512 MB
Storage 10 MB
Platform Windows


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