Call of War

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Genre Strategy
Publisher Bytro Labs
Release 2017-10-21
Platform Browser based

It's in your hands to change the course of World War 2. The Call of War is an action packed browser-based strategy game developed by Bytro Labs. Call of War is a free-to-play browser-based strategy game from Bytro Labs that lets you alter the outcome of World War II. Play as one of the great powers in World War II and plot your course for conquest by utilising all available tools. You can choose to form alliances with other countries or to depend only on your military or economic power and go it alone. Up to 100 opponents are available to team up with or defeat throughout each Call of War game session. Real-time troop movement and a vast tech tree with over 120 innovations, including the atomic bomb, are some of the additional features.

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Minimum System Requirements

Since it is a browser-based game, it should work well on almost any PC with an up-to-date web browser.

You might still be able to play if you have outdated hardware or software, but your gaming experience might suffer. We advise using the most recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge for the best gaming experience.


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